
Data model


This is a high-level description of the concepts in the datamodel. If you are looking for a more in-depth and low-level description we provide a description in Swagger: here.



A Dataset represents almost any kind of data. Can be related to other Datasets as a form of metadata. Primarily the databaes contains data related to environment and is spatial data. The dataset entity contains Title, description attributes.


Can be related to datasets as publisher or owners. Publisher is the organisation who houses the data, owners are the organisations that have copyright on the data. The organisation entity contains Title, Abbreviation and Description attributes.


DMP interal system name. The entity contains name and description.


License contains information about the the dataset in question is licensed by the owners of the dataset, the entity contains a name and a link to the license.


DMP interal document.


A dataset group, groups datasets that should always be visualized as a single entity. For example, it could be multiple layers in the same WMS service.


Represents a named collection of Datasets and Dataset Groups. There is a many-to-many relationship with the Dataset and Dataset Group entity. The DatasetCollection contains Title and Description of the collection.


Simple free text string category relating to a set of Datasets.


Simple free text string tags.


User provided images. Intended for use as thumbnail for Dataset and DatasetCollection or Legends. There is a link to the Bitmap image.


Dataset source/service metadata.

NOTE: Some attributes are only relevant for some of the source types in this section name.

Name Type Nullable Comment
Url url No URL endpoint
DocumentationUrl url Yes URL documentation endpoint
Description desc Yes Long free text abstract (optional)
TypeName name No WFS TypeName
Layer name No WMS/WMTS layer name
Style name No WMS style name (optional)
Extent name No Comma separated float values xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax to determine tilegrid origin and extent
MatrixSet name No Reference to the name of WMTS MatrixSet tilegrid
MatrixIds name No Comma separated strings of identifiers in WMTS TileMatrixSet
Resolutions name No Comma separated float values in m/pixel corresponding to the zoom levels in a tilegrid
Version name No Preferred WMS version (default 1.3.0)
Format name No Preferred WMS image format mimetype (default image/png)
MinResolution float Yes Maximum resolution m/pixel (optional)
MaxResolution float Yes Minimum resolution m/pixel (optional)


The attribute entity is used in the attribution component and is a short description of which organisation is attributed the dataset, often it is the owner of the dataset. Spatial sources might not have desired metadata or naming for attributes/columns to be useful in presentation. The Attribute entity is intended to be able to provide such optional source specific metadata.

Common rules / types

Primary keys are named Id and of UUID type unless otherwise stated.

For strings we always require min 2 chars. For max length we have three categories:

We also have url as type to constrain content to valid URL.

All entities have Updated and Created attributes intended to be automatically maintained by persistence layer.