Internal Dataset class

import Dataset from './dataset.js'

const dataset = new Dataset(config)




_favorite: boolean = false
_olLayer?: BaseLayer
_opacity: number = 1
_visible: boolean = true
availability: IAvailability
category?: Category
created: Date
dataLiabilityAgreement?: DataLiabilityAgreement
description?: string
error: boolean = false
hasApiListener: boolean = false
hasIncludedAttributes: boolean = false
id: string
metadata?: string
owners?: Organization[]
previewImages?: PreviewImage[]
related?: Dataset[]
supportContact?: string
tags?: Tag[]
thumbnail?: Image
title: string
type: string
updated: Date
wfsSource?: WfsSource
wmsSource?: WmsSource
wmtsSource?: WmtsSource


  • get favorite(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

  • set favorite(favorite: boolean): void
  • Parameters

    • favorite: boolean

    Returns void

  • get legends(): Legend[]
  • Returns Legend[]

  • get opacity(): number
  • Returns number

  • set opacity(opacity: number): void
  • Parameters

    • opacity: number

    Returns void

  • get queryable(): boolean
  • Determines if this dataset supports querying

    Returns boolean

  • get renderable(): boolean
  • Determines if this dataset supports rendering

    Returns boolean

  • get visible(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

  • set visible(visible: boolean): void
  • Parameters

    • visible: boolean

    Returns void


  • Parameters

    • event: string
    • Rest ...args: unknown[]

    Returns void

  • Get an OpenLayers layer to add to a map


    • copy: boolean = false

      Create a new OpenLayers layer without relation to the dataset

    Returns BaseLayer

  • Listen to an event


    A listener that can be used for removing the listener


    • event: "change" | "change:opacity" | "change:visible" | "change:favorite" | "rendererror"

      Name of the event

    • callback: EventListenerCallback

      When the event is triggered

      • For 'change:opacity' the callback function is called with the event name and the new opacity
      • For 'change:visible' the callback function is called with the event name and the visible state
      • For 'change:favorite' the callback function is called with the event name and the favorite state
      • For 'rendererror' the callback function is called with the event name and the requested URL

    Returns EventListener

  • Parameters

    • feature: Feature<Geometry>

    Returns AttributeValue[]

  • Parameters

    • feature: Feature<Geometry>

    Returns any

  • Parameters

    • filter: Filter

    Returns Promise<Feature<Geometry>[]>

  • Serialize the Dataset to JSON


    a JSON representation of the Datasets

    Returns DatasetState

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